Ready to Use Shave Ice Syrups
Hawaiian Snow branded ready to use syrups. These syrups are based off the same formula we use in our Hawaii facility for over 40 years!
- Made with 5 pounds of pure cane granulated sugar
- No corn syrup
- Made in the USA at a FDA approved facility
- 1 year shelf life
- Contains Hawaiian Snow flavor concentrates
- Ready to use straight from the bottle, no dilution necessary
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Hawaiian Snow Ready to Use Pure Cane Shave Ice Syrup (Quart Size)
Now you can make your own shave ice using Hawaiian Snow's ready to use shave ice syrup! There is no mixing required, just pour and you are good to go!This syrup formula is based on what we use in ..
Hawaiian Snow Ready to Use Pure Cane Shave Ice Syrups (Gallon Size)
Now you can make your own shave ice using Hawaiian Snow's ready to use shave ice syrup! There is no mixing required, just pour and you are good to go!This syrup formula is based on what we use in Hawa..
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