Did you know we do machine repairs in Hawaii and Las Vegas?For Hawaii state customers, you may just drop your shave ice machine at our 901 Gulick Ave. location for a repair or tune up. Our mechanic can rebuild your machine from the group up as well as fix any issues you may have. We have parts for F...
William Summers
For all of past and existing clients, we currently have a special face book group where you can share ideas and hear up to date news from Hawaiian Snow Nevada.By joining our group, you have access to NewsGive AwaysFlavor of the Month SamplesTechnical SupportKnowledge SharingThis is a closed&nbs...
Shave Ice Supplies offers a line up of natural shave ice flavors in addition to our standard concentrates. What are Hawaiian Snow Naturals?Hawaiian Snow Natural Shave Ice Concentrates do not contain any artificial flavoring nor coloring. They are made of plant based materials or extracts and co...
Dear Customers, Did you know we have a dedicated YouTube channel that has a wealth of resources from machine intr...
Welcome to our brand new refreshed shave ice supplies website!Our previous website was created in 2016 with the most updated modules and extensions. After serving us faithfully for 5 years, it was time to be refurbished (like a good Fujimarca 709SE). Throughout the past six months, we worked with ou...